


1. 自閉症の子供が勝手に外に出ないようにするため


2. ボタンを押しながら回すのは難易度高い


3. 安価である


4. 取り付けが簡単





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A Story of a Family with an Autistic Child: Light from Different Stars

Safety Measures for Children with Autism: Affordable and Simple Door Locks

For parents of children with autism, home safety is one of the top priorities. Especially important is preventing children from leaving the house unsupervised. The door lock introduced here is an ideal choice for such households. Let me highlight its advantages through the following points:

  1. Preventing Autistic Children from Leaving the House Unattended
    Children with autism can sometimes exhibit unpredictable behavior. Particularly, the risk of leaving the house can pose a significant threat. This door lock is designed to prevent children from easily getting outside. It provides parents with peace of mind through effective safety measures.
  2. High Difficulty of Pressing and Turning
    Unlike conventional door locks, this one requires pressing a button while turning. For children, this action is highly challenging, making it difficult for them to open the door. As a result, the door remains securely locked, preventing children from wandering outside.
  3. Affordable
    While safety measures are crucial, expensive options can be prohibitive. This door lock is offered at a very affordable price. It provides an effective safety solution that is also budget-friendly.
  4. Easy Installation
    Additionally, this door lock is very easy to install. No specialized skills or tools are required, allowing anyone to set it up quickly. This is a great advantage for busy parents.

This door lock is extremely useful for families with children with autism. If you need safety measures in your home, consider introducing this product. With its combination of affordability, easy installation, and high security, this door lock ensures the safety of your home.

For those interested, please check the details from the link below:
Child Lock Door Knob Door Dedicated Door Easy Opening and Closing Baby Lock Baby Guard Door Lock Safety Security Stopper Injury Prevention Mischief Prevention Pet Mischief Prevention When Leaving

We hope this door lock, which supports a safe and secure lifestyle, will be helpful for your family.

