- 体力消耗: 雨の日でも関係なく、室内で飛び跳ねるだけで、子どもたちは大満足。エネルギーもどんどん消費してくれます。
- 運動効果: 縄跳びと同じように、ジャンプは全身運動になるので、子供たちの運動能力を高めていってくれまるす。僕自身の運動不足解消にも役立ち、1日100回を目標にコレ使って運動してました。
- 子どもの笑顔: 暇さえあれば、子どもたちはこのトランポリンで飛び跳ねてました。同時に2人乗ったりして、危険な思いをした事もあるくらいです。。。
- 組み立てと解体が簡単: 力は必要ですが、組み立ては簡単。仕舞おうと思った時も同様で、単純な力が必要なだけで、バラすのもカンタンでした。
- 耐久性がある: 2年間使って、最終的にはメルカリで売ってしまいましたが、表面がちょっと色落ちしたくらいで、使い始めの使用感と全く変わりませんでした。
- 高さとバネの絶妙な加減: 子供達はもちろん、170センチくらいの僕が全力でジャンプしても、天井にギリギリ届かないくらいの高さ。その塩梅が非常に良かったです。
- サイズ感: 正直、リビングに置くと存在感がありすぎてしまって…。そこで2階の子供部屋に移動したんですが…リビングなら気軽にピョンピョン飛べますが、わざわざコレのために2階に行くのが面倒になってしまったようです。そして誰も見ていない所では飛ぶこともなくなってしまいました。。
- そして私も同様に、2階にまで行くのが億劫になってしまい…。結局、子供部屋のスペースを占領するだけの存在になってしまいました。そして最後はメルカリで…
Family Fun with Trampolines: Perfect for Kids and Exercise!
When it comes to parenting, figuring out how to tire out your kids is a crucial task. This trampoline was a real lifesaver! Even on rainy days, jumping indoors kept the kids entertained and helped them burn off their endless energy.
The Greatness of the Trampoline
- Energy Burner: No matter the weather, jumping indoors kept the kids satisfied and their energy levels in check.
- Exercise Benefits: Like jump rope, jumping is an excellent full-body workout. It’s amazing how fun exercising can be!
- Kids’ Happiness: Whenever they had free time, the kids were on this trampoline, bouncing away with huge smiles. Watching them have so much fun made my day.
Additionally, here are some points that made this purchase worthwhile.
Why It Was Worth Buying
- Easy Assembly and Disassembly: It requires some strength, but assembling it was easy. The same goes for disassembly; it just needs some simple effort.
- Durability: We used it for two years, and eventually sold it on Mercari. Apart from a bit of color fading, it felt as good as new.
- Perfect Height and Spring: Not only for the kids, but even at 169 cm, I could jump with all my might and barely touch the ceiling. This balance was fantastic.
However, there were reasons why we eventually stopped using it.
Why We Stopped Using It
- Size: Honestly, it was quite large and took up too much space in the living room. We moved it to the kids’ room upstairs, but then going up just to jump became inconvenient.
- Access Issues: I intended to use it for exercise too, but going upstairs felt like too much effort. It ended up just taking up space.
That said, the product itself is really good. If you have about a meter of space to dedicate to it, I highly recommend it. It just didn’t fit well with our home’s layout, but I believe it would be fantastic for other families.
We also tried jungle gyms and slides for indoor play, but in terms of burning energy, this trampoline was the best. If you care about your kids’ happiness and health, give it a try!